my box
thats my box, inside is stuff i prepared for our littles, of course, i have more toys/plushies what didnt quite fit in the box, click on the photo below for quick rundown on stuff i have in my box (if you cant see the text quite right, try opening image in new tab)
here is everything organised in the box
i put in baby stuff on the top, so in case if a little suddenly switches in during a stressful situation, they can easly access stuff as figdet toys, and baby stuff
stickers are put next to it, to keep baby stuff in place.
under the octopus, there are easly accesible crayons, rest of crayons are under it.
on the side are mini colouring books, easly accesible, and easy to put in back.
under everything, there are bigger coloring books/ other books
the box is pretty small, and easy to move around, if in case of a long road trip with little in front, they can just take the box, or quickly take things off the box