with these tips, im assuming you are an going to buy things yourself on your own. those are tips for reallife shops, since im from poland i dont really know how shops look in the rest of the world, so i apologize if some stuff is impossible fo you...

i wanna buy baby stuff for myself (or my little)but im too emberrased

trick nr.1 Giftcard trick.

what is the giftcard trick you might ask? its simple. if you have some extra money to buy a cheap giftcard with words like "congratulations" or "welcome to this world!" people will assume, you are a caring friend getting baby stuff for your pregnant friend, idduno if cards or bags are cheaper, but you might also wanna get a gift bag instead, same result.

dont frantically reassure your cashier its for a friend unpromted, if you are stressed about it, they will assume you are lying, most of the time you dont have to reassure, from what i noticed, if you just casually walk up to cashier and hand in the items, they dont seem to question anything.